Cyber Snoop Internet Monitoring and Control Software was developed
with the philosophy that while we trust our children, we must have a
means to supervise and guide them.
It is generally agreed, that we would like to keep our children away
from influences that we, as parents and teachers, consider negative.
At the same time, we do not want to stop our children from learning
and exploring the vast and rich educational resources that are available
to them on the Internet. Cyber Snoop™ offers parents a way to securely
view Internet activity and, if necessary, restrict that activity to
whatever level deemed appropriate by the parent.
Cyber Snoop Internet Monitoring and Control Software allows
you to block unwanted content while focusing Internet users to desirable
sites. And, with the release of Cyber Snoop 4.0, features including
time controls, unlimited user profiles, and report generation make Cyber
Snoop the most comprehensive software package on the market.
With Cyber Snoop, YOU control YOUR Internet!
New to Version 4.0!
Unlimited security profiles for multiple
users. |
Unlimited time controls for profiles. |
Unlimited Allow and Block lists for profiles. |
Capture and control of all Web based E-mailers
( Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.). |
Capture and Control of AOL's Instant
Messenger (Stand Alone Version). |
Capture and Control of ICQ Chat. |
Tighter integration to operating system
for enhanced performance. |
Multi-level password access. |
Built in activity reports. |
Data export to native spread sheet formats. |
Data archive features. |
Allow list override of all security settings. |
Faster Loading of logged data.
| Click here for current pricing
| Click
here for ordering options | Dealer
enquiries | Enterprise
version for Business |