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Web Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positionsWeb Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positionsWeb Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positionsWeb Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positionsWeb Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positionsWeb Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positionsWeb Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positionsWeb Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positionsWeb Site Traffic, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions, promotion,software,marketing,advertising,WebPosition,Web Position,First,Place,FirstPlace,rankings,search,engines,submission,placements,positions
Increase your Web Site Traffic

When someone queries a major search engine using a keyword related to your site's products or services, does your page appear in the top 10 matches or is it your competition?  If you're listed, but not within the first 10 to 30 matches, you lose, no matter how many engines you submitted your site to. Ranking near the top on the major search engines is the real key to bringing free, targeted traffic to your Web site.

WebPosition Gold is the first and only product to combine all the following features designed to launch your Web site to the top of the search results.

Web promotion software that optimizes Web page rankings, submits, tracks your search positions, tracks Web site traffic


Page Generator creates HTML "doorway" pages based on keywords and details you enter about your business.  This gives you a head start in heading to the top of the search list. They also act as alternate entrances to your Web site, giving potential visitors more ways to find you.

Page Critic supplies expert, custom-tailored advice on how to optimize each of your new or existing Web pages. Page Critic knows each search engine's unique personality and how to build TOP ranking pages for each without spamming or abusing the index.

Upload Manager remembers all the doorway Web pages you created, changed, or added in the quest for a TOP 10 position. It's a goof-proof way to make sure new chart-climbing pages get uploaded to your Web site. Upload Manager remembers all the doorway Web pages you created, changed, or added in the quest for a TOP 10 position. It's a goof-proof way to make sure new chart-climbing pages get uploaded to your Web site.

Submitter will submit any pages you choose to the most important search engines. Resubmitting can sometimes  provide an extra bump up the charts, so the Submitter can be scheduled to resubmit regularly. It even follows-up to verify a site was indexed by the expected date.

Reporter checks your site's positions in the major search engines.  Find out in minutes, rather than hours, how you rank on every keyword or phrase that is important to you, on all the major engines.  Nine different management reports provide more valuable information than any other product.

Scheduler activates the Reporter daily, weekly, or monthly to automatically check your Web site's positions.  You'll know immediately if a site stays on TOP, falls in rank, or falls out of the index altogether.  This allows you to release a new doorway page or re-optimize an existing one before sales start dropping.   Submitting can also be automated by the scheduler.

Traffic Analyzer   tracks your  visitors and where they came from automatically without the need to download server log files or buy extra software. Traffic Analyzer answers questions like: "What keywords are people searching for to find my site?" or "Which search engines send me the most traffic?" and more! Information gathered by the Traffic Analyzer can later be used with the Page Critic to create even more focused pages.  This will help insure continued success while giving  you measurable results for tracking the amount of free advertising you generated.

Web promotion software that optimizes Web page rankings, submits, tracks your search positions, tracks Web site traffic

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Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions. Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions. Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions. Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, Web Site Traffic, WEBPAGE PROMOTION, WEBSITE PROMOTION, promotion, software, marketing, advertising,webpage rankings, track website traffic, WEB POSITION,  WebPosition, Web Position, First, Place, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, promotion, software, marketing, advertising, WebPosition, Web Position, FirstPlace, rankings, search, engines, submission, placements, positions, Web promotion software that optimizes Web page rankings, submits, tracks your search positions, tracks Web site traffic.